React Mobile App Development

We develop cross-platform mobile apps in the React Native framework. React Native framework from Facebook allows us to write the code once and then export it for deployment on Android and iOS (as well as Windows mobiles and tabs). Obviously this saves development cost and time. Our approach to developing React Native apps is to understand your requirements, design mock user interface / wireframes to depict the flow and visual layout, write the code to design and develop the app, test the app thoroughly across Android, iOS devices (mobiles, tabs) for functionality, responsiveness and performance, assist in distributing the app for beta testing through TestFlight (for iOS devices) and APK (for Android) and then assist you to launch the app on Apple and Android app stores. Post launch you get 60 days of free support to take care of questions or issues that arise when your customers use the app.
React Native Framework Features and When to use React Native
React Native is a very popular framework and has a huge developers community. Code written in React Native not only gives the native platform compatible look and feel but it also runs faster as compared to other Hybrid Frameworks which rely heavily on UI components. Since React Native works closely to the platform for native-like behavior and look, it sometimes needs addressal of some features/issues separately for iOS and Android. React Native is excellent framework for complex apps that not only are UI driven but need to interact with the core features of the mobile like Camera, Voice, Flashlight etc and one more thing is apps that have more time consuming functionality like converting docs to PDF and emailing or other time consuming tasks will find React Native to be faster as compared to other Hybrid frameworks.
Our experience with Mobile Apps Development
- Apps for Insurance Agents – We have developed mobile apps for Insurance agents and agencies for policy administration, policy endorsements, commission calculation, payment details, premium payments, claims management, etc. These apps are integrated with Salesforce or web platforms.
- Education and Elearning Management – We have been developing Learning Management System apps (for both Web and Mobile) for over 8 years now. Our team is well versed with popular eLearning platforms like Moodle, Totara, Blackboard Learn, Bridge, Canvas, etc. Mobile apps for education and E-Learning contain features like User registration, Course Listing, Course Search, Course Enrollments, Online Payments, Assessments, Grades and Certificates, Admin features to manage Course information and prices to name a few. These apps are integrated with Salesforce or web platforms.
- Restaurant Industry – Apps targeting this segment contain features like Food menu (that displays detailed menu with prices as well Today’s special menu sub-option), Table Reservation, Place Order, Pay through the app, Home-delivery, Track your order, Help/Feedback, etc.
- Car Dealership and Resale – Apps for car dealers for selling new and old cars and contained features like Car Listing, Search a Car based on different filters, Post Car details, Retrieve Car Incident and Driver Details from 3rd party website, etc.
- Homecare and Medical services – Apps developed for this segment consists of features like Patient Listing, Patient Details, Medical records/history, Medications, Doctor details, Nursing Care, Doctor/Nurse Availability, Hire a Professional, Duration, Pay Online/Offline, etc.
- Ecommerce Retail Apps – E-commerce driven mobile apps contain features like Search or Shop by Category, filter on product attributes price range, shipping zip code etc and all the major features like add to cart, pay online, track shipping, email notifications, SMS notifications (through Twilio) etc.
Contact us for React Native Mobile App Development
For the development of your React Native mobile app contact us today. You can send us an email on our development front at or you can easily fill the contact form available on our website.