IVANS AL3 Downloads for Policy Transactions, DB Commission, Claims and eDocs
More on AL3 files
AL3 files can be converted into JSON format by using our AL3 to JSON self-hosted solution or REST API. This process is then scheduled to make it run automatically without any manual intervention and our solution updates your CRM/database. AL3 files can contain Policy transactions (daily downloads from carriers) or Direct Bill Commission information (monthly downloads generally), Claim downloads, and eDocs with compressed PDF documents. The PDF attachments are also linked to the policy and you can open any PDF with the click of a link.
AL3 file for the Policy transactions contains all of this information:
Insured Information
Policy Summary
Locations and Covered Items (Auto, Home etc)
Coverages, Limits, Deductibles, Surcharges, Discounts
Additional Interests
Remarks and Attachments
Carrier Questions
Claim History and Violations
Prior Policy Information
Other Policy Information
For Direct Bill Commission files it contains:
Commission Summary (Totals)
Commission Details for each policy
Claim downloads contain crucial information about the claim, incident, adjuster information, claimant parties, and the payment. eDocs contain alerts and activity notes along with embedded PDF files like policy documents, invoices, notices, etc.